Analysis of the Consolidated Catalog of Cartographic Materials on the History of Qazaqstan (17th – early 20th centuries)




Analysis, Cartobibliography, Consolidated Catalog, Cartographic Materials of the 17th – early 20th centuries, History of Qazaqstan


The article contains analysis of the consolidated catalog of Russian cartographic materials on the history of Qazaqstan (17th – early 20th centuries). The funds of cartographic materials in archives and libraries have been listed and their characteristics given. The functional values of the developed consolidated catalog of the so-called “old” maps have been discussed and substantiated. We see the consolidated catalog of cartographic materials as a kind of a “guide” for potential users, providing the answer to the following question: ‘’In which archive, library, or museum the needed cartographic materials are available, and where are the cartographic bibliographies of the “old” maps on history of Qazaqstan available to be viewed?’’ During the process of cataloging of the cartographic materials, we have used the territorial and chronological approaches for systematization. When creating a consolidated catalog, a unified catalog description of cartographic materials primarily related to the purpose and objectives of the study has been developed. Methodologically, the implementation of the research tasks was based on an interdisciplinary approach. The identified cartographic materials have been subjected to source analysis, evaluation, and description. It has been established that these cartographic materials should be studied not in isolation, but as a part of the cartography of a certain era in all its relationships and interdependencies with the development of the related fields of knowledge (such as history, geography, geodesy, etc.). The accumulated cartographic materials can become a solid basis for creating interactive maps and modelling the processes of the historical past of Qazaqstan.

Author Biographies

  • Galina N. Ksenzhik, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

    Doctor of Historical Sciences

  • Erlan T. Karin, Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Candidate of Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Analysis of the Consolidated Catalog of Cartographic Materials on the History of Qazaqstan (17th – early 20th centuries) . (2023). Qazaq Historical Review, 1(1), 6-21.

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