Some Remarks on the Study of Qazaqlïq
Qazaqlïq, Qazaq, Alasha Khan, Formation of the Qazaqs, State, Identity, Post-Mongol Central EurasiaAbstract
The article provides a short author's review of his book "Qazaqlïq, or Ambitious Brigandage, and the Formation of the Qazaqs: State and Identity in Post-Mongol Central Eurasia," published in English by the Brill Publishing House at the end of 2015 and translated into Russian in Kazakhstan at Shon Publishing House in 2022. The writer outlines his main findings from the investigation of the Qazaqlïq phenomenon and responds to the remarks and criticisms made about the book. The research is based on a wide range of medieval sources written in Farsi, Turki, Russian, Polish, and other languages. Original quotations mentioning the Qazaqlïq phenomenon from sources such as the “Tarikh-i Rashidi” by Mirza Muhammad-Haidar Dughlat, “Bahr al-asrar fi manaqib al-akhyar” by Mahmud b. Amir Vali Balkhi, “Tarikh-i Dost Sultan” (“Chingiz-nameh”) by Utemish-haji, “Malfuzat-i Timuri” by Abu Talib al-Husayni, “Umdet al-akhbar” by Abd al-Ghaffar Kyrymi, are given along with their translations. From the mid-15th century, the words “kazak” and “kozak” (“Cossack”) appear in Russian, Polish and Ukrainian sources, such as the Nikon Chronicle, and the works of Jan Dlugosh and Maciej Miechowita. For the first time, the article quotes a message from the 16th-century Ottoman historian Seyfi Celebi about the reasons why the Qazaqs were given such a name. The author shows the uniqueness of the Qazaq identity and the importance of the Qazaqlïq phenomenon, and examines the legend of Alasha Khan, which reflects the Qazaqlïq of Zhanibek Khan and Kerey Khan. The author additionally discusses several recent publications pertaining to the term "Qazaq," which were published after the publication of his book; Peter Golden, Nurlan Atygaev, and Patrick Lewis have done research on this subject
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