Qazaqlïq, Alasha Khan and Qazaq identity in the study of Dr. Joo-Yup Lee




Qazaqlïq, Alasha Khan, Qazaq identity, Joo-Yup Lee


This review is devoted to the book “Qazaqlïq и образование казахов. Государство и идентичность в постмонгольской Центральной Евразии” (“Qazaqlïq and the Formation of the Qazaqs. State and Identity in Post-Mongol Central Eurasia”, Almaty: Shon Publishing House, 2022), by Dr. Joo-Yup Lee, Professor at the University of Toronto. This is the Russian translation of the book, which was first published in English by Brill and received positive critical reviews and book awards (“Qazaqlïq, or Ambitious Brigandage, and the Formation of the Qazaqs: State and Identity in Post-Mongol Central Eurasia", Leiden: Brill, 2016). The book is dedicated to the socio-political phenomenon of Qazaqlïq and its role in the formation of the Qazaq people and their identity. The review highlights the strengths of the book: wide coverage of the source base; a thorough and precise study of the history of the study of the Qazaqlïq phenomenon; large territorial, geographical, and interethnic coverage. The author of the book paid considerable attention to the Qazaqlïq institution, the legend of Alasha Khan, and Qazaq identity

Author Biographies

  • Malika T. Moryakova, Chokan Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology

    Chokan Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology


  • Qanat Z. Uskenbay, Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI

    Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI

    Candidate of History, Director


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Critics and bibliography

How to Cite

Qazaqlïq, Alasha Khan and Qazaq identity in the study of Dr. Joo-Yup Lee. (2023). Qazaq Historical Review, 1(4), 566-574.

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