The Bukhtarma Old Believers as an Ethnoconfessional Group in the USSR in the Post-Soviet Russian Historiography


  • Kiryl A. Latyshau Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Author



post-Soviet historiography, historiography of the history of the Old Believers, Soviet anti-religious policy, anti-religious repression, Old Believers of the Soviet period, Bukhtarma Old Believers, Old Believers of Qazaqstan


In the study, using the comparative historical method, the post-Soviet historiography of the history of the Bukhtarma Old Believers is studied. The author studies Russian post-Soviet historiography and Qazaq post-Soviet Russian-language historiography. The most important scientific problems and approaches to the study of the history of the Old Believers are highlighted and compared. The article contributes to the discussion of why it is necessary to jointly study the achievements of both Russian and Qazaq post-Soviet historiography. The author reveals the expansion of the modern ethnographic framework in the study of the Bukhtarma Old Believers. The problem of the identification of the Bukhtarma Old Believers in modern historical literature is revealed. The author notes that in the last decade, new studies have appeared in which the Bukhtarma Old Believers are identified with the Old Believers of Altai. Modern Russian and Qazaq historians systematically turn to Soviet historiography. Soviet historical studies written in the 1920s and 1930s act as a historical source. The author analyzes the historiography of the most important problems in the history of the Bukhtarma Old Believers. The most significant problems are Soviet repression, preservation of identity, and preservation of traditionalism. The historiography presents case studies on selected issues related to common scientific problems. The author concludes that the historiography of modern Bukhtarma Old Believers can successfully develop  as a single “post-Soviet Russian-language historiography.” National historiography is inferior in depth to scientific analysis.


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How to Cite

The Bukhtarma Old Believers as an Ethnoconfessional Group in the USSR in the Post-Soviet Russian Historiography. (2023). Qazaq Historical Review, 1(3), 389-406.

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