«The Steppe of Nomadic Kirghiz-Kaisaks»: the Qazaq Steppe on Russian maps of the 18th – 19th centuries and the Early Modern cartography as a source for studying the geographical imagination of the Central and North Asia
Qazaq Steppe, map, Orenburg province, Early Modern cartography, Russian geographical imagination, Russian maps of the 18th – 19th centuries, North Asia, Siberian province, The Steppe of Nomadic Kirghiz-Kaisaks, TartaryAbstract
The article is a review of seven 18th and 19th century Russian maps, some of them are published for the first time, with some added notes on the nature of the early and mid – 19th century maps. The main purpose of the text is to reveal the main features and ways to represent the Qazaq steppe in Russian early modern cartography. Using the concept of a cartographic pattern, the author shows the predominance of generalized and simple ways of transmitting information. The purpose of this situation is the fact that the very knowledge of the Qazaq steppe was a subject of peripheral interest in Russian politics and culture of the period. Also standard Russian map makers were far from understanding how the cultural landscape of nomadic peoples could be displayed. The maps in question are not only a tool that forms and transmits a certain perception of space - it is, in a completely modern spirit, a tool for transforming space, turning it from a permeable and difficult to control into a barrier, regulated by the efforts of the army and bureaucracy. On these maps, we see «zero images» (nulevye obrazy) or «lacuna images» (obrazy-lakuny) of the images of the Qazaq steppe, these parts of the cartographic materials are left empty. On the overview Siberian general map of 1765, the space on the other side of the border lines is signed: «The steppe of the nomadic Kirgis-Kaisaks» (Step’ kochujushhih Kirgis-Kajsakov). This is not a refusal to transmit information at all, and not a too burdensome way to mark on maps a significant territory, about the structure of which and life within which Russian cartographers seem to know little. It is likely that this is one of the most common perceptions of the Qazaq steppe in Russian cartography of the 18th – first half of the 19th century.
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RGADA 192.1.D-6. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov [Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts], f. 192, op. 1, Atlasy, razdel D, d. 6 [holding #192, register #1: Atlases, chapter D, file #6]. Geograficheskii atlas Rossiiskoi Imperii, Tsarstva Pol’skogo i Velikogo Knyazhestva Finlyandskogo … sochinyon… podpolkovnikom Pyadyshevym, 1823 g. [Geographic Atlas of Russian Empire, Polish Tsardom and the Great Duchy of Finland… composed… by Lt.-Col. Pyadyshev in 1823]. (In Russian).
RGADA 192.1.H-13. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov [Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts], f. 192, op. 1, Karty, razdel H, d. 13 [holding #192, register #1: Maps, chapter H, file #13]. Sibirskaya general’naya karta, sobrannaya iz Atlasa Rossiiskogo I iz protchikh kart 1765 goda [General map of Siberia, collected from Atlas Russicus and other maps, made in 1765]. (In Russian). Electronic copy available at URL: http://regionalanalytics.ru/science/sw-siberia/moiseevmap.html (accessed: May 19, 2023).
RGADA 192.1.Orenburgskaya guberniya 6. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov [Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts], f. 192, op. 1, Karty, razdel Ι, Orenburgskaya guberniya, d. 6 [holding #192, register #1: Maps, chapter I, Orenburg governorate, file #6]. Landkarta pogranichnykh mest Orenburgskoi i Sibirskoi gubernii [A map of areas bordering to Orenburg and Siberian governorate]. (In Russian). Electronic copy available at URL: http://regionalanalytics.ru/science/sw-siberia/orenburgmap1758.html (accessed: May 19, 2023).
RGADA 192.1.Tobol’skaya guberniya 1. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov [Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts], f. 192, op. 1, Karty, razdel I, Tobol’skaya guberniya, d. 1 [holding #192, register #1: Maps, chapter I, Tobolsk governorate, file #1]. Landkarta. Opisaniye mest Isetskoi provintsii... [A map. Description of places in Iset’ province…]. (In Russian). Electronic copy available at URL: http://regionalanalytics.ru/science/sw-siberia/novoselovmap.html (accessed: May 19, 2023).
RGADA 192.1.Tobol’skaya guberniya 2. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov [Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts], f. 192, op. 1, Karty, razdel I, Tobol’skaya guberniya, d. 2 [holding #192, register #1: Maps, chapter I, Tobolsk governorate, fi le #2]. Karta Sibirskoi gubernii ot starogo Utyatskogo forposta... [A map of Siberian governorate from old Utyatskii outpost...]. (In Russian). Electronic copy available at URL: http://regionalanalytics.ru/science/sw-siberia/kutuzovmap.html (accessed: May 19, 2023).
RGADA 192.1.В-12. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov [Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts], f. 192, op. 1, Atlasy, razdel B, d. 12 [holding #192, register #1: Atlases, chapter B, fi le #12]. Atlas sochinyonnyi k pol’ze i upotrebleniyu yunoshestva i vsekh chitatelei i vedomostei i istoricheskikh knig [Atlas composed for the benefi t and use of youth and all readers of journals and historical books]. Saint Petersburg, 1737 (In Russian). Electronic copies of presented images available at URL: http://regionalanalytics.ru/science/sw-siberia/1737atlas.html (accessed May 19, 2023).
RGADA 192.2.Obschiye karty Rossii 6. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov [Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts], f. 192, op. 2, razdel II, d. 6 [holding #192, register #2: chapter II, Obschiye karty Rossii, fi le #6]. General’naya karta Aziatskoi Rossii… sochinena… poruchikom Poznyakovym… 1825 goda [General map of Asian Russia… composed… by lieutenant Poznyakov… in 1825]. (In Russian). Electronic copy available at URL: http://regionalanalytics.ru/science/sw-siberia/poznyakovmap.html (accessed: May 19, 2023).


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