The European maps of the Kazakh Steppe and Central Asia




European maps, Qazaq steppe, Central Asia, al-Idrisi, Anthony Jenkinson, Matteo Ricci, Kosaky Orda, Cassakia, Tartary, Nogay Horde


The article is devoted to the study of the information about the Kazakh steppe and Central Asia, given on European maps, and consists of an introduction and three parts, each accompanied by cartographic visual material and tables. The first part thoroughly examines the various names of the Kazakh Khanate and the countries of Central Asia from the middle of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th century. Examples of the use of such names as Kosaky Orda, Cassakia, Kasaky Tartar, KirgisKaisak, Kalmuk, Nogay, Naiman and others are analyzed in detail. The second part of the article considers various terms denoting the Kazakh Khanate and the countries of Central Asia on the maps by Anthony Jenkinson (1529–1611). While making his map, he used not only his own observations, but also the maps of his predecessors. On his map, he showed the borders of the Kazakh Khanate as an independent state and highlighted its territory with color. Lake Kitay (Kitaia Lacus) on his map is, apparently, Lake Teletskoye. The article identifies all the seven rulers depicted on the Asian part of the map. The third part of the article considers the Kazakh Khanate and the cities of Central Asia on the world map of Matteo Ricci (1602), where the Kazakhs are designated as Ge’ermo (=Ge’erheishi = Kirgessi). The influence of European cartography on Ricci’s map is demonstrated, and the sinicized names of Astrakhan, Turkestan, Chagatai, Nogai, Volga, etc. are given. Ricci mainly used the names and toponyms from Ptolemy, but in a distorted or sinicized form, and changed them in accordance with new materials.

Author Biography

  • Nurlan Kenzheakhmet

    Ph.D. (History)


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How to Cite

The European maps of the Kazakh Steppe and Central Asia. (2023). Qazaq Historical Review, 1(1), 56-121.

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