Ottoman Document on the Activities of Burunduq Khan in the Early 16th Century




Ottoman Empire, Burunduq Khan, Mansur Khan, Muhammad Shaibani Khan, Timur Khan, Qizilbash, Uzbeks, Qazaqs


The article publishes for the first time a commented translation from the Ottoman into Russian of a unique historical document from the archives of the Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul: a short report presented to the court of the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul no earlier than December 1510. The document was prepared by officials at the court of Sultan Bayezid II (1481–1512) based on reports from travelers who arrived in the Ottoman Empire from Central Asia. The document indicates the early interest of the Ottoman rulers in political events in Central Asia. According to the Ottoman officials, the Qazaq Khan Burunduq and Moghul Khan Mansur conveyed a message to Muhammad Shaybani Khan, requesting vengeance against the Shia Qizilbash for the destruction of Sunni shrines in Khorasan. The battle of Timur Khan, the son of Muhammad Shaybani Khan, with Burunduq Khan and Timur Khan’s defeat are also mentioned in the document. The same source provides important data on attempts to create an anti-Safavid coalition of the Uzbeks and Qazaqs. All this information complements previously known data from Turkic-Persian sources from the 16th century

Author Biographies

  • Ilias A. Mustakimov, Research Institute "El Tarikhy", Lev N. Gumileva Eurasian National University

    Research Institute "El Tarikhy", Lev N. Gumileva Eurasian National University

    Candidate of History, Senior Researcher

  • Qanat Z. Uskenbay, Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI

    Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI

    Candidate of History, Director


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How to Cite

Ottoman Document on the Activities of Burunduq Khan in the Early 16th Century. (2023). Qazaq Historical Review, 1(4), 536-546.

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