The Taldysay Settlement: a Site of Ancient Metallurgy in the Zhezkazgan-Ulytau Mining and Metallurgical Center




Zhezkazgan-Ulytau Mining and Metallurgical Center, industrial and housing complexes, metal production, metalworking, thermal engineering structures, ore, slag, doping


The publication examines the problems of metallurgy of the Late Bronze Age. With the use of scientific research data, it became possible to restore the entire technological process of production of metal products, starting from the extraction of copper from ore to the manufacture of complex objects from copper and copper alloys. In the Taldysay Settlement, almost the entire cycle of metal production was represented: smelting copper from ore, casting end-products, and forging them, which made it possible to obtain information on ancient technologies. The final stage of metallurgical production is metalworking, which includes various foundry and forging operations, as well as side operations: preparation of crucibles, lyachkas, casting molds, and stone tools for metal processing.

Author Biographies

  • Antonina S. Yermolayeva, Margulan Institute of Archaeology

    Leading Researcher

  • Albina E. Yerzhanova, Margulan Institute of Archaeology

    PhD, Leading Researcher

  • Yekaterina V. Dubyagina, Margulan Institute of Archaeology




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How to Cite

The Taldysay Settlement: a Site of Ancient Metallurgy in the Zhezkazgan-Ulytau Mining and Metallurgical Center. (2024). Qazaq Historical Review, 2(1), 6-18.

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