National Minorities in the South of Ukraine During the Famine of 1932–1933


  • Natalia M. Kuzovova Kherson State University Author



Famine of 1932–1933, Genocide, Holodomor, National Group, Special Settlement, Southern Ukraine


The article is devoted to the issue of the situation of national minorities who lived compactly in the South of Ukraine during the famine of 1932-1933. The focus of the article is on the lives of German, Swedish and Jewish colonists who lived in national districts or had national village councils. The circumstances due to which natives of Central Asia (Uzbeks, Qyrgyz, and Qazaqs) find themselves at the epicenter of the Ukrainian Holodomor are also considered. It was found that all national communities were affected by the famine in Ukraine. Although they could receive a little help from their states and foreign charities (Germans, Swedes, and Jews), they had to hand it over to the MOPR or exchange it unevenly in Torgsіn. They also faced repression in response to disclosing information that they were on hunger strike in consulates or foreign media. But despite everything, they still did it because of the difficult living conditions. Unlike other national minorities, the people from Central Asia ended up in the South of Ukraine as labor prisoners, so their life was much worse because in 1933 they were practically stopped being supplied with food.


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How to Cite

National Minorities in the South of Ukraine During the Famine of 1932–1933. (2023). Qazaq Historical Review, 1(3), 331-339.

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