Sacred space of the Jochid Ulus: Saraychik and Barсhinkent




Jochid Ulus, Golden Horde, Saraychik, Barchinkent, Kyshqala, written sources, archaeological research


The study of the history of the emergence and development of medieval cities in Kazakhstan remains one of the most difficult and important tasks of modern research. A comprehensive study of hillforts allows us to determine both the general features of urban development and the peculiarities of the formation of individual urban settlements. The cities of Saraychik on the Ural (Zhaiq) River and Barchinkent in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River were not only large commercial and economic, but also spiritual centers of the Jochid Ulus. Having developed as cities during the Mongol period, they played an important role in the political life of the Golden Horde. The fate of Saraychik and Barchinkent is closely connected with the general course of the history of this state. Written sources and materials from many years of archaeological research indicate that the heyday of both cities coincides with the time of rising, and the beginning of decline and desolation – with the beginning of the collapse of the Golden Horde. The enthronement of khans of Berke, Janibek and other representatives of Juchids in Saraychik, and then the emergence of a necropolis where the remains of several rulers of the Golden Horde had been buried, led to the beginning of the sacralization of the place. By the 14th century, Barchinkent became famous as a city where many preachers of Islam and Sharia scholars lived, who played a significant role in spreading Islam among the population of the Jochid Ulus. Excavations in Saraychik and Barchinkent (Kyshqala hillfort) made it possible to identify the location and historical names of cities, the time of their origin and growth, as well as to determine the features of functioning as centers of international trade, crafts and culture.

Author Biography

  • Dokei A. Taleev, Margulan Institute of Archeology

    Candidate of History, Leading Researcher


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How to Cite

Sacred space of the Jochid Ulus: Saraychik and Barсhinkent. (2024). Qazaq Historical Review, 2(1), 48-59.

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