Stone Statues of Central Qazaqstan




Sary Arqa, menhir, stele, stone sculpture, stone statue, ‘mound with moustache’, fence, Saka, Turkic, Qypchaq


The article examines the stone sculptures of present-day Central Qazaqstan, which are an important source for the history of the ancient and medieval peoples of Eurasia. They not only embody the external appearance of people from past eras, but also reflect valuable information about the social structure and lives of those who left these monuments. The work presents the results of a recent study of ancient and medieval stone sculptures decorating the wide steppes of Central Kazakhstan, and further research and careful analysis of them seem very necessary. The first scientific information about stone sculptures was collected by Shoqan Walikhanov while studying the mausoleum of the Qozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu during his travels around the outskirts of Issyk-Kul. Alkey Kh. Margulan, in his works, presented serious research on the monuments of Sary Arqa. In the last decade, the chronological framework for studying the stone sculptures of Sary Arqa has been expanding. Currently, the scientist Arman Z. Beysenov in his works, touches on current issues relating to stone sculptures and steles from the Saka period of Sary Arqa and is engaged in a comprehensive study of the complexes in which they are located.

Author Biography

  • Asemgul D. Kasenova, Margulan Institute of Archaeology

    Candidate of History, PhD, Leading Researcher


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How to Cite

Stone Statues of Central Qazaqstan. (2024). Qazaq Historical Review, 2(1), 26-33.

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