Latin Translation of Guyuk Khan's Letter Addressed to Pope Innocent IV
Latin translation, Guyuk Khan, Pope Innocent IV, John of Plano Carpini, Vatican Apostolic LibraryAbstract
The article contains the Latin text and annotated Russian translation of the letter from the supreme ruler of the Mongol Empire, Guyuk Khan, to Pope Innocent IV. The original letter was translated from Mongolian into Latin with the personal participation of the Pope’s envoy, Franciscan John of Plano Carpini, at Guyuk’s camp near the capital of the Empire, Qaraqorum, on November 11, 1246. In parallel, the original letter was translated into Persian and, together with the Latin translation, delivered to Pope Innocent IV. The original Persian translation is preserved in the Vatican Apostolic Archives. It was discovered in 1920 and published along with a French translation and annotation by Paul Pelliot in 1923. The Latin translation of the letter survives in two versions made at different times. The article contains the text of the Latin translation of the letter according to a copy in the autograph of Salimbene de Adam from the Vatican Apostolic Library. Salimbene de Adam inserted a copy of the letter into his chronicle written between 1283 and 1288. The Latin text from the chronicle of Salimbene de Adam has been collated with other copies of the Latin translation of the letter. The Russian translation based on a critical edition of the Latin version of the letter is published for the first time. The notes contain the necessary clarifications and correspondences in the translations of the Persian original into French and English
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