Zhailau as a center of funeral rites of ancient Turks and Qazaqs of the 18th–19th centuries





stone sculptures, as beru, Turks, Qypshaqs, Qazaqs, Qyrgyz, oshaq


The article comprehensively examines and supports the notion that the Qazaq tradition of conducting funeral ceremonies (ас беру) and the installation of stone statues in the early period were a singular ritual action. It is evident that the places of installation of stone statues from the Turkic period coincide with the places of holding funeral ceremonies among the Qazaqs. These locations within the steppe can be identified as distinct toponyms. As usual, these valleys are still associated with funeral ceremonies and are named in honor of this or that deceased as “hearth of such and such” (for example, "Ormanbet's hearth"/Орманбет ошағы) The “hearth”/ошақ was the place where the “field kitchens” were located during the funeral feast. Domestic animals were slaughtered, cauldrons were placed, and meat was constantly cooked for the guests. In some places in the steppe, remnants of the hearth have been preserved in the form of a hole or a place lined with stone. The article additionally presents the outcomes of field studies conducted in the relevant locales; outlines the customs and ancient rituals associated with the funeral feast; scrutinizes the elements of stone sculptures depicting dishes and utensils, demonstrating their connection to the ancient custom of funeral feasts; and delves into their semantic significance.

Author Biography

  • Orynbay Zh. Oshanov, Margulan Institute of Archeology

    Leading Researcher


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How to Cite

Zhailau as a center of funeral rites of ancient Turks and Qazaqs of the 18th–19th centuries. (2024). Qazaq Historical Review, 2(2), 157-179. https://doi.org/10.69567/3007-0236.2024.2.157.179

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